
attitude of gratitude.

as thanksgiving starts to come near, there seems to be a lot of gratitude floating around the internet. i am loving it, naturally. there seems to be 30 days of thanks, 30 days of gratitude, and a few other projects out there for the month of november. i've mostly encountered it on facebook or instagram, where folks share something that they are grateful for each day (either specific to that day, or in general). seeing as this blog is all about appreciating the little things, and finding gratitude, this sounds like just the project for me. my version: i will try to post a minimum of one thing i am thankful for each day for the remainder of november. 

granted, i'm five days late. so today i will start with five.

november 1: brett & lu. 
november 2: a day of reconnecting with an old friend. the comfort that follows.
november 3: my community. the bounty of gifts that presented themselves this day through community-spirited events and activities.
november 4: seasons- the gentle transition to the heart of fall. a long walk, early darkness, a harvest meal.
november 5: waking up to a snowglobe out the window. 

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