

it was a pretty good day, for a monday. i was up early to get a workout in (i'll miss my usual tuesday workout group tomorrow), off to work wearing a new skirt. i saw two hot air balloons on my way to work. i used to see hot air balloons often from my apartment and office windows in steamboat, and i always considered it a good omen. the day passed quickly, with lots to do and a few meetings interspersed. as the day wrapped up, we noticed (the same two) hot air balloons launching from the field behind the office. it was so fun to watch them fill up and take off into the crisp air! i came home to already-made pot of soup, a beautiful sunset, and then we enjoyed the company of jen, alex & od for dinner tonight. after some good playtime, lu & od each settled down in a way we've never seen before. what a treat for a weeknight.

tomorrow i'm off to fairlee for a two day local food meeting. this will be my second meeting at the lake morey inn, but i get a kick out of heading to the hotel for meetings when my only previous experiences involved karaoke! i'm hoping i might be able to squeeze in a walk/jog around the lake, a hike to the bluff, or a trip to farmway. we'll see.

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