
celebration of love.

this weekend was one of those ones that leaves you both smiling & exhausted. it was a whirlwind-- pulling me in on friday, spinning me around and around, and then spitting me back out on monday morning leaving me saying "but wait! where was my down time?"

but all for good reason. one of my girlfriends from middle and high school got married! the setting was gorgeous, the weather somehow was perfect, the details of the wedding were lovely, erin was a graceful & sweet bride. many of my oldest friends gathered to celebrate her marriage to a wonderful man, and we all had so much fun. i danced the night away with all of the girls-- but jenna and i really outdanced the rest. lex, cayla & i stayed up too late chatting about grown up things and snuggling in the most ridiculous room in the entire inn. enjoy a few snapshots that won't do justice to the setting or the pretty ladies. 

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