
I love days when it's hard to decide which part was the very best. Each of these moments was the best of yesterday, in that moment.
  • Avett Brothers pandora at my desk during a particularly productive stint.
  • A smiling welcomed visitor in my office.
  • Blue skies, warm breeze, 70 degrees!
  • Communication with one of my absolute favorite people. A former camper turned dear friend who flows in and out of my world but always stays in my heart.
  • An absolutely delicious and challenging yoga class- celebrating five years of relatively consistent practice!
  • Happy hour with a few of my boys. One cold Sunshine Wheat with an orange slice, spinach salad, chicken pizza. Laughter.
  • Snuggling into a zero gravity chair with a woven blanket to watch a round of horseshoes and the sunset over the sleeping giant.

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